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VELOREGIO – Vas vármegye hivatalos honlapja
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Development and implementation of joint cross-border offers in the cycling regions of the Austrian-Hungarian border region
INTERREG V-A Austria-Hungary Programme 2014- 2020
1.435.840 EUR which the share of the Vas County Government Office 198.850 EUR
01.01.2018. - 06.30.2022.

With the support of our VELOREGIO project, we have achieved excellent results in the field of environmental protection and cycling tourism.

Our office, with strong collaboration with 2 Hungarian and 3 Austrian partners have developed a bilingual (HU-DE language) study containing relevant topic-related guidelines.

Ensuring the safe cycling, we have posted road signs along several cross-border trails, and internationally accepted trainings for cycling tour guides could also be realized.

We introduced the Bett & Bike biker-friendly service system to service providers operated in the cycling tourism sector, while the certification of highlighted service providers was also carried out within the framework of this project.

The routes developed during the project lifetime - targeted several groups of cyclists - were uploaded into an internationally famous website and made also available on the official project website.

Within the framework of a cycling masterplan study, our experts examined the existing network of routes (both on the Austrian and Hungarian side) for road racing, touring, and mountain biking, including their quality and possible options for future improvements.

In addition to the cycling - overview - map of the area covered by the project, a detailed map of the Austrian-Hungarian borderline was also drawn including the territory of Vas County. The map does not only show the individual routes but also the natural and cultural heritage attractions, as well as Bett & Bike certified accommodation and service providers.

Meetings with tourism organisations and relevant stakeholders were held in several locations in the county, covering several topics and resulting high quality professional documents:

  • Strategy Study
  • Thematic Cycling Route Development Manual
  • Policy and Action Plan
  • Study about Brand Establishment

We are extremely proud that the completed Thematic Cycling Route Development Manual has been included as a recommendation by the Prime Minister's Office into the "Local and Regional Tourism Development" Call for proposals under the Széchenyi Plan Plus.

During the project development, we paid special attention to the environmental protection, in order to maintain our achievements in the long term, we are using short, raising awareness videos focused on how to cycle in places close to nature. The three videos below are available in Hungarian and German language on our official YouTube channel.

  • Do not litter!
  • How to cycle in nature conservation and specially protected areas.
  • How to use shared routes.

Although our VELOREGIO project has ended, we hope that the achieved results will be enjoyed in the future by the cyclists and other visitors coming to our county!

Project partnership:

  • Regional Development Eastern Styria, AT (Lead partner)
  • Tourism Association Oberwart Region, AT
  • Wiener Alpen in Niederösterreich Tourismus GmbH, AT
  • Savaria Tourism Nonprofit Ltd., HU
  • Vas County Government Office, HU
  • Kőszeg City Municipality, HU



A projekt keretében elkészült bilaterális háromnyelvű átnézeti kerékpáros térkép

A projekt keretében elkészült – háromnyelvű – Vas megyei kerékpáros térkép

Stratégiai Tanulmány_HU

Stratégiai Tanulmány_DE

Tematikus Útvonal Fejlesztési Kézikönyv_HU

Tematikus Útvonal Fejlesztési Kézikönyv_DE

Tematikus Útvonal Fejlesztési Kézikönyv_EN

Ajánlás és akcióterv Tematikus Kerékpáros Útvonal fejelsztésekhez

Zusammenfassung-Empfehlung und Aktionsplan

Márka,- Brandépítési tanulmány


en_GBEnglish (UK)

A honlap további használatához a sütik használatát el kell fogadni. További információ

A süti beállítások ennél a honlapnál engedélyezett a legjobb felhasználói élmény érdekében. Amennyiben a beállítás változtatása nélkül kerül sor a honlap használatára, vagy az "Elfogadás" gombra történik kattintás, azzal a felhasználó elfogadja a sütik használatát.
