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EXP Castles – Vas vármegye hivatalos honlapja
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EXP Castles

EXPlore & EXPerience Castles: staging and integrating cultural heritage into innovative cross-border tourism experiences (acronym: EXP Castles, project id.: SIHU00015)
Interreg VI-A Slovenia-Hungary Program 2021-2027
369.650,00 EUR, for Vas County Government Office: 146.875,00 EUR
01.07.2024 - 31.12.2026

Contact person(s):

Magyarosi Csilla – magyarosi.csilla@vasmegye.hu

Program website:

Project summary:

The EXP Castles project builds on the historical and cultural heritage of the castles in Vas County and the Pomurje region, aiming to develop tourism in the cross-border ar-ea. By exploring and reviving past connections between the castles, the project seeks to create joint tourism products and sustainable strategies.

The ultimate goal of the project is to make the region more attractive to visitors through the diverse and innovative integration of cultural heritage. In addition to ex-panding and modernizing the offerings of the castles, the project plans to develop a joint tourism product and promotion, which will increase the visibility and economic benefits of the region. As a result of the project, we can achieve a more sustainable and balanced distribution of visitors and direct tourists to lesser-known but valuable rural sites near the castles.

The EXP Castles aim to integrate these castles into the cross-border Castle Road net-work, which already connects Slovenian, Austrian, and Croatian castles, creating a unique European cultural route. The project focuses on networking, collaboration, promotion, information dissemination, and awareness-raising. Local residents and visi-tors will be informed about the new tourism offerings, while professionals and busi-nesses will gain insights into ways to utilize cultural heritage for tourism purposes.

The common criteria and future strategies for sustainable cooperation ensure the sus-tainability of the project's results. Building on the shared past of the border region be-tween Slovenia and Hungary, the EXP Castles project aims to provide a sustainable and integrated tourism experience in the future.


  • RIS, Research and Education Centre Mansion Rakičan / RIS, Raziskovalno izobraževalno središče Dvorec Rakičan

Project partnership:

  • Vas County Government Office - HU


„The project is implemented in the framework of the Interreg VI-A Slovenia-Hungary programme and funded of the European Regional Development Fund.”

en_GBEnglish (UK)

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