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Gov4Water – Vas vármegye hivatalos honlapja
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Smart, Efficient and Adaptive Water resource management
Interreg Europe Program
1.834.280,00 EUR which the share of the Vas County Government Office 180.720,00 EUR
01.04.2024. - 31.03.2028. (36 + 12 months)

Contact person(s):
Krisztina Rimányi - rimanyi.krisztina@vasmegye.hu


Program website:


Project summary:

A climate responsive water management is a key element of the Climate Adaptation Strategy (COM/2021/82) steering the EU to a climate resilient society by 2050. For water, climate change as a threat multiplier reinforces the impacts of already existing stresses on this vital resource. Increasing frequency and intensity of unpredictable droughts and floods, increasing water scarcity, as well as impacts on water quality require a profound change of paradigm in planning and managing. In the presence of systemic uncertainty robust data, advanced models and scenarios must become the basis of efficient coordination and cooperation to respond quickly and adequately to the potential impacts.

Gov4Water brings together water managing agencies and authorities from seven countries that have proven in the past their capacity to provide good quality water in sufficient quantities to citizens, agriculture, and industry, to manage surface water and provide protection from floods. They have joined together feeling the urgent need to step up efforts for rendering their water management plans and procedures integrated and climate resilient. This will refer to sudden-onset disasters (floods) and slow-onset events (droughts, erosion).

The partners are striving to improve the availability and quality of data, institute regional interoperationality, and establish a viable governance structure. More comprehensive and precise bottom-up data will allow a more accurate assessment of possible impacts of climate change on water management. Gov4Water will study how to translate data into action, identifying and filling gaps in responsibilities and competences. A ‘Joint Analytical Report’ will offer clear, practice-oriented instructions and policy-making guidelines on the key issues: data and data flow, scenarios, governance for coordinated and proactive response, and stakeholder involvement to secure preparedness for when there is too little and when there is too much water.

More comprehensive and precise bottom-up data will allow a more accurate assessment of possible impacts of climate change on water management. Gov4Water will study how to translate data into action, identifying and filling gaps in responsibilities and competences. A ‘Joint Analytical Report’ will offer clear, practice-oriented instructions and policy-making guidelines on the key issues: data and data flow, scenarios, governance for coordinated and proactive response, and stakeholder involvement to secure preparedness for when there is too little and when there is too much water.


  • Umbrian Regional Waste and Water Agency (I)

Project partnership:

  • Region of Murcia – General Directorate of Water / Murcia Tartomány – Vízügyi Igazgatóság (Spanyolország)
  • Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Estonia / Környezetért felelős Minisztérium (Észtország)
  • Lodzkie Region / Łódź-i Vajdaság (Lengyelország)
  • Vas County Government Office
  • Province of West Flanders / Nyugat-Flandria Régió (Belgium)
  • Loire-Brittany Water Agency / Loire-Bretagne Vízügyi Ügynökség (Franciaország)
  • Cluster DREAM/Aquanova / DREAM/Aquanova Vízügyi Klaszter (Franciaország)

Associated Policy Authority

  • Umbria Region / Umbria Tartomány (Olaszország)


„The project is realized in the Interreg Europe Program with the co-financing of the ERDF, the European Union and Hungary.”

en_GBEnglish (UK)

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